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A member registered Jul 21, 2021

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Thanks, tried to catch the whole "Cassius" personality.


Making a little Cassius cosplay for Halloween

I think many of us has read theough the entire story at least twice

Sam is way more appealing, and I think what Chase may have as appealing is actually Sam's influence on him

This is before the human departs from Adastra, before he goes back to earth

Não é uma continuação como tal, vamos chamá-lo de intermediário. Interea narra a jornada de Amicus e Marco (o personagem principal) através de Adastra antes que o humano retorne à terra.

Ok, true, that and he was looking at Mr Tibbits a little too much so yeah, I guess it's possible to get a romance out of that otter.

Was it on his work? I thought he was interested on the squirts.

Todd? The otter? Doubtful, I think they made him straight


Welp, Cliff is truly one to ease hearts. This is the happiest route on all Echoverse as far as I'm concerned, and that animatic is just perfect.

Interea tmakes place before Marco returns to earth. Khemia takes place 2.5 years after the return

Sent you FR, Angemonium#1096

Full offense taken as my boy Sam says jaja. Yeah a little rude but I think a "thanks" is due, yeah you did answered my question so, thanks.

Note: I wasn't the one on the minus end either.

I wasn't interested in his route to be honest, then I played it and I'm f'ing crying. I can even say it's the best route on the game.

Both are protectors, but I believe William is more suited for Sam, so I agree with your POV

(1 edit)


He did said Jack right? That's really sad, specially because he wasn't loved back.

Ok so I got a question and the answer should be spoilers so please read with caution, I will try to redact it with as little spoiler I can.

During a certain remembrance, a certain character gets hit by a Van.

Could someone please remind me which name does this character say?

I love the narrative in both Echo and TSR, but I'm still having problems with the horror. Like it's so dark that I just don't feel scared anymore haha, of course that is personal opinion and takes nothing from the VN itself as every character is believable and lovable.

Btw Echo is a real place in Utah and it's really a Ghost Town if you ever wondered.

I am a little conflicted cause William is as hot as the sun on summer (XD) but Nik is the type that gets my gears going phisically and sentimentaly speaking. I will need to see what's the deal with Murdock as many seem to love him

Why yes, that was my plan. He is the least attractive to me in any front, but after William's route I just got wondering myself so I will take a look after Murdock

Just got the what has been finished from Nik and Will routes. I love Nik a lot but I do believe Will is better suited for Sam. They both suffered enough so that can support each other. I like Nik more but I don't see Sam liking him back enough.

I never get tired of saying that Echo's evil and the Other from Adastra are one and the same as they have a similar way of acting and feeds on negative feelings. Even Neferu stated that stories of haunted buildings or towns is just the Other manifesting in a lessed way.

I screamed there

I am there as well, Nik is the cutest so far, but I do feel sorry for him and how he hates what Sam does/has to do.


Complicado decir, Chase tiene muchas caras, puede ser idiota, obsesivo, un cobarde total, alguien que siempre va a ayudar o que está dispuesto a hacer las cosas más difíciles por los suyos. Leo es muy complicado siendo obsesivo, agresivo, testarudo, un protector de los suyos y alguien en quien puedes confiar. Al final resolver todos sus problemas se vuelve muy difícil por qué estar juntos los va a alejar de todos los demás. Son una pareja muy bonita pero son más sanos estando separados. Cómo que juntos retroalimentan sus peores cualidades.

Is this game done? Or do I have to wait a bit longer to read it completely?

El punto es el soltar, no el aferrarse a algo que sabes que te hará daño

Not super happy, but Jenna's route gives a good closure to all characters.

I Think you could easily change places among Jenna and Flynn's route. I could tell Jenna's is the canonic good ending and Flynn is the canonic bad ending.

Healing is not an easy process and antagonizing ssomeone is easier than to accept that one has problems too. Congratulations on deciding to make amends, this is no fairy tale and things never return to a previous, everything and everyone always change, sometimes for the best, hope you keep getting better. And yeah, who knows how does the Echo project does it, but they always cause such an impact on their novels.

That is a cool way to put it. And I do agree with this.

I always had my doubts about whether doing TJ's route first or Leo's, as key features are mentioned on Leo's route that may have a lot more sense once you went through TJ's.

We all did, I swear, I passed a really bad an beautiful moment with this vn

I believe they were desperate to get results, as their "future vision" is so clouded that they couldn't even prevent Marco of getting sick. Not perfect and not benevolent if the plan is crumbling like a cookie.

No matter what, Marco is becoming very badass every day

I guess Jenna's ending is the best one. Leo's good ending can make you feel like sh$t if unprepared

Probably, probably the same number it would take the wolf to be full...probably not XD